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Pain Management
Ouch that hurts!

NOTE:  For a in-depth look at pain management see Pain & You.

Day to day tips

Managing your pain can be one of the most significant treatment factors.
Pain is a sensation that hurts. It may cause discomfort or distress or down right agony. It may be steady or throbbing. It may be stabbing, aching, or pinching. However you feel pain, only you can describe it or define it. Because pain is so individual, your pain cannot be "checked out" or "felt" by anyone else.
Pain may be acute or chronic. Acute pain is severe and lasts a relatively short time. It is usually a signal that body tissue is being injured in some way, and the pain generally disappears when the injury heals. Chronic pain may range from mild to severe, and it is present to some degree for long periods of time.

My tips for managing pain

First of all I will tell you that you do not receive any medals of honor for having pain, 
so get rid of it now.
Next, don't let it return. Once you have taken your medication and become more comfortable stay that way. It is easier to stay out of pain than to start from fresh each time. Talk to your doctor about breakthrough pain medication, if your pain returns before your regular scheduled medication runs out.  Also check with your oncologist where there is a Pain Clinic in your area. These clinics understand Cancer Pain.  They take a little while to get into but are worth the wait.

Make a plan

Make a pain management program work for you. We all are different and feel pain differently. That's why it is so important to have your program tailored to your needs.

See my Medication Schedule Chart  Keep a record of all your medications.

See my Pain Management Chart   Manage your pain better with this easy chart.

A Breathing Exercise for you

Vulva Pain (nothing like it)
Here are a few tips that I learned to help relieve Vulva pain.

Xylocaine 2% Jelly (in tube) - Applying lidocane gel directly on the genital area will help a great deal. It freezes the area. It is safe to use on open sores. Use as often as needed. It saved my life.
No RX needed just ask your pharmacist.

Lanacane Ointment (in tube) - Applying Lanacane ointment directly on the genital area will help a great deal. It is safe to use on open sores. Use as often as needed. It also saved my life. Great for burns too.
No RX needed just ask your pharmacist.

Drink Liquids - Drink plenty of non acidic liquids. The acid will just make your urine burn when using the bathroom. The more clear fluids the better.
The fluid will weaken the burning feeling.

Going to the bathroom - If it is really bad get into the bath tub full of water and relieve yourself. Note: Make sure that you use a disinfectant to clean your bathtub before and afterwards.  Rinse tub well.

SIDS Bath - Use this device while urinating. It will help take the burning away and refresh the area. Or pour a glass of luke-warm water between your legs while urinating. 

Boxer Shorts - For around the house wear boxer shorts (men's or women's). They are allot looser and keep those hot areas cool.

Not Just Drugs

Other ways to cope with pain are meditation, breathing exercises, relaxation tapes, therapeutic touch, massage and imagery.  You can acquire these materials at your local book store, free from your public library or your public nurse.

Links for Pain Management

Partners Against Pain

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