Relaxational BreathingSlow Rhythmic Breathing for Relaxation Deep breathing exercises can help relax you. 1. Breathe in slowly and deeply. Breathe from your stomach. 2. As you breathe out slowly, feel yourself beginning to relax; feel the tension leaving your body. 3. Now breathe in and out slowly and regularly, at whatever rate is comfortable for you. 4. To help you focus on your breathing and breathe slowly and rhythmically:
(a) breathe in as you say silently to yourself, "in,
two, three" (b) breathe out as you say silently to yourself, "out, two, three," Each time you breathe out say silently to yourself a word such as "peace" or "relax." 5. Do steps 1 through 4 only once or repeat steps 3 and 4 for up to 20 minutes. 6. End with a slow deep breath. As you breathe out say to yourself "I feel alert and relaxed."